Rosetta’s Radiance
Mmmmm….. –sigh- Hello again! I feel a delight and tickling sensation in my body when I
Who the fuck am I?
Right? Like…. really who am I, to think…….-rolls eyes- I’m some big hotshot that is offering services,
I’m a Criminal
Cops. Police. Pigs. Troopers. Scum. Defund. Inhale, and Exhale. Slow yourself. Be
Plan B
Emergency Contraception…. I’ve been lied to, so have you….for years, probably…. About how to …
Nourishment is a Gift
I’ve been Vegetarian, BEgan, RAWtarian(WTF? Is this still a trend?) fruitarian(This one made …
Words to Rewire 2
Impulsivity – spontaneous
Focus – aware
Words To Rewire
Impulsivity – spontaneous
Focus – aware
Deserve –
Words of Toxicity
Manipulation, Codepedency, Faking,
Wisdom – It Speaks To Us
Wisdom – It speaks to us, when we don’t even know we need it. It’s deep in our bodies, our souls, and our spirits, just waiting to be honored.
Wildnerness Therapy 2
Woah. Talk about enlivening, confusing, powerful, disappointing, and challenging.
I don’t have the confidence for it… Unfortunately.
Wilderness Therapy
-manifesting my own flow
-regulating my own system
-finding community
What Is A Good Father?
It takes a lot of energy and time to learn everything by you – I’ve arrived back at. I will pay you, but if I need too.
Being a single woman and traveling –
It takes a lot of energy and time to learn everything by yourself – I’ve arrived back at. I will pay you, but if I need too.
Three Childhood Girl Friends
Oh-My-God. Girls…. Girls are challenging, and hurtful sometimes.
The Masculine and The Feminine
People that know me know I love to talk about my feminine… And…. Now, that I’ve embodied my own flow through my connections with others.
The Gem Show
- all the people who lost crystals but weren’t upset about it
- the smiles and laughter
The Feminine Spirituality is Passion
I am worthy.
You are worthy!
String Masculine Energy?
Sharing is Caring
The Feminine Process is to Share
Seeing Katza
I saw katza today… she was walking casually…then jumped up and sat next to me.
Mmmmm….. –sigh- Hello again!
I feel a delight and tickling sensation in my body when I remember how blessed I am that you are here
Positive Self Talk
Pick Your Battles
What battles to fight and when?
My Twin Flame Story
Manifesting – Believing – Honoring
Vulnerable as fuck….because what if I’m wrong… what if spirituality isn’t real…and we go separate ways…Fuck. NO no… no…. honor, deepen, manifest.
Me in Wilderness Therapy
Being at wilderness with Shelley and Kristian
Fighting over me?
Maternial Healing
Sooo… in growth, and spiritual development –cough cough- what a lame term. Spiritual development…. Let’s call it – The journey into the divine!
Life Coaching
Coming into life coaching!
I met with a client today, Jharasen and she teased me, looking at 3 notebooks with a bunch of scribbles “Are those your relationship notes?” She asked.
How To Surrender
Boundaries first
Communicate needs
Lower body
Healing My Maternal and Paternal
Mother – relationship with spirituality
Honor her gifts
Come alive with her
Fighting ADHD
What was I doing? Oh right. I was writing a blog. But… Wait, let me write this down. “My processing speed is a gift” It is? Yes IT IS! Your self-awareness, is also a gift! Ohhh…. Thanks –blushes- I am talking to myself, if you didn’t notice.
Dream Work
Dream work and speaking to the dead
–ehhh… kinda hippie woo.
How to connect with others
-lead with curiosity
-read intention
Community Questions
With the state of the world, it’s even more important then every to understand our relationships with our self and each other!
Community Course
With the state of the world, it’s even more important then every to understand our relationships with our self and each other!
Choosing A Crystal Wand
Hello – all the beings all the bodies, thanks so much for being here…. –sigh- -moan-
Boundaries and Consent
I also really felt like I was too different, and my spiritual practice the way it ties into sexuality had too many blurred lines
Ashville Home
I am slowly coming into Asheville being my home, but I want to support Asheville in a way that also feels good to me and others around me
A Journey Of Reading The Feminine
I know what you’re thinking, or rather…I know something is up. Could you share with me…??